Doug Gilbert Photography — a Retrospective

June 3 to July 30, 2023. POV Gallery

Doug Gilbert Photography retrospective

Doug Gilbert — a retrospective of his life in photography

Doug Gilbert was a local Metchosin artist whose body of work transcended photography and art borders. Doug embraced photography as a creative art form. His camera was an extension of himself, drawing out an artistic vision that had no real boundaries, and turning photos into incredible pieces of art.

Fine Art Landscape Photographer

Doug is recognized for his many fine art landscapes which convey his personal vision, from initial capture, to post processing and finally printing. His compositions were well thought out; he understood the importance of studying details, and he had the patience to find the perfect light. The control of light, form, texture, exposure values, and composition were all trademarks in his fine art landscape photography.

Doug used texture as one of the compositional elements in much of his work; understanding the important role that texture plays in image composition, and that the feel and mood of the texture was fully dependent on the type of light and how it was falling on his subject. His work is emotionally powerful and he was able to convey something beyond the image’s subject matter. Doug photographed nature in ways that brought it to life and celebrated the wonder and beauty of its being.

Photo Based Artist

In all of his photography, creative expression took centre stage. Doug was an accomplished Photo Based Artist, with a strong portfolio that centres around composite photography; the use or combination of two or more different images to create a new one.

Initial images were captured in his studio or in the field and his composites were created post production using various techniques in Photoshop. What resulted was photographic art that was a reflection of how his mind worked and it was where his creative inspirations came to life.

The human form figured prominently in much of Doug’s work, and through all of the years of Doug’s photographic journey, he was continually inspired by the female nude form; its beauty, grace softness and intrigue.
Working with models in his studio, Doug was able to develop close relationships and a sense of comfort and trust which resulted in images of remarkable intimacy.

He was able to capture intimate portraits of the human form and showcase it in its most natural state; images that hinted at the sensuality and mystery of the nude without overt nudity or without being overly explicit.

Doug believed that post-processing was an integral part of fine-art photography, a tool that allowed him to fully realize his artistic vision and present what he saw as an artist, not what the camera captured.

Photo composite artistry requires close attention to details such as light and perspective, and requires having a good understanding of photography and post production, in order to create seamless images that are believable. Doug was adept at Photoshop a tool that gave him very fine control over elements of his images such as colour, saturation, brightness, detail and sharpening. Using various techniques such as blending textures into backgrounds, adjusting blending modes of the layers and altering opacity he was able to turn those ideas that started with just a spark of inspiration to masterful pieces of art. The true magic of his work can be credited to the vision and the creativity of this wonderful artist behind the camera lens.

Photography allowed Doug to express himself artistically and for that we are all deeply grateful.