Studio for lease

room 2007

Room 2007, upstairs in the art centre, will be available for lease September 1, 2022.

Application deadline: August 22, 2022

Studio for lease

Room 2007 has windows facing Happy Valley Road. It comprises 771 square feet (71.7 square metres). The current rate per square foot is $6.25, so the starting monthly rent will be $402 ($4824 for a year). There is a small cupboard with a sink in one corner. Access is via the upstairs foyer, with a fire escape at the far end of the room. Male and female washrooms are adjacent to the studio. Please note that access to the upper floor is by stairs (no lift.)

For further information, or to arrange to view this studio, contact us by email at, or drop by during regular open office hours on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and noon.

room 2007
room 2007, facing upper foyer

The tenant application form may be submitted by email to the address above, mailed to 4495 Happy Valley Road, or dropped off at our office in person. It is a requirement of the lease that tenants become members of the MACC Association.

room 2007
room 2007, facing fire escape