Metchosin Arts & Cultural Centre Association Membership

You are invited to join MACCA today and help our community continue to sustain and improve the MACC.

Download the printable membership/volunteer application form or complete the form below:

Fees are $10 for individuals, $15 for families or groups/businesses. Pay only once — the membership is good for life!

Please make cheques payable to Metchosin Arts & Cultural Centre Association. Fees may be mailed to 4495 Happy Valley Road, Victoria, B.C. V9C 3Z3, or dropped off at room 1033 on the ground floor of the MACC. We are also pleased to accept e-transfers to (please add a note stating the purpose of the e-transfer).

    Membership Category - please choose one:

    If a group, how many people?

    I am a resident of:

    In addition to my membership fee, I would like to make a donation but realize that the MACCA is unable to give tax receipts for such a donation.
    My donation amount is:

    Please make cheques payable to Metchosin Arts & Cultural Centre Association. Fees may be mailed to 4495 Happy Valley Road, Victoria, B.C. V9C 3Z3, or dropped off at the art centre. We also accept e-transfers at (Please add a note stating the purpose of the e-tranfer).