Dec 1 – Dec 29, 2024
About Sheila:
After painting herself as Emily Carr, Sheila Thomas dreamt about becoming her. Like Carr, she loves wind-blown trees and painting underneath them. So Sheila quit her job, modified a 1960’s school bus into an art studio, packed up her poodle and hit the road out of Sooke. She got as far as Malahat Farm in Shirley when Covid made her slam on the old drum brakes! With the help of friends, Sheila took disappointment and morphed it into reinvention. Sheels on Wheels Art Hootenanny was born. For four years now, Sheila teaches students to return to a life of creativity, joy, and problem solving with the power of paint. Those same wind-blown trees have been expressed by many students now. Emily Carr would be proud.
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